Sunday, July 6, 2014

Did you just fart?

Opisthocomus hoazin

"Gaby, this bird is quite cool and normal looking. Why is it on your blog?" Well my friend, because evolution thought it would be funny if it gave this guy the digestive system of a cow and claws! Yup. This bird eats mostly flowers, leaves, and green stuff. But unlike most birds, when it starts to digest its food, the bird starts to smell like manure. Yum! Because of the weird shit that goes on in its intestines (literally), the hoatzin isn't all that good at flying, but it tries. As for the claws, well when they are chicks and they feel endangered, they'll usually jump out of the nest into nearby water, swim out, and use the claws to climb back up. So yeah, thats pretty much what separates the hoatzin from your average bird. 

Quit abusing drugs, Nature!


Evolution got tired of normal looking monkeys, so it made this! Despite having eyes that each weigh more than it's brain, the tarsier does not have much trouble getting around. It is well equipped with long hind legs made for jumping, fingers made for grabbing, ears that are very good at hearing, eyes that are awesome at seeing, and a head that can pull some exorcists shit and pretty much turn all the way around; all in the dark, I might add. It eats bugs, and gets eaten by bigger animals as well; snakes, cats, humans, all that jungle good stuff. Pretty much all species of tarsiers live in south east Asia and a threatened or endangered because humans suck. So thats the tarsier in a nutshell. 

Vampire + Squid = Vampire Squid

Vampier Squid
Vampyroteuthis infernalis

This badass right here is a vampire squid. The names comes from the way it covers itself with its cape tentacle things when its scared, and the red eyes. (Which are blue in this light apparently.) It is a deep sea creature so scientists have had a hard time stalking it, trying to figure out its mating habits. But they do know that it lays eggs, like any other squid. It also has some octopus traits (eight tentacles), which confused the first scientists that discovered it. And it's texture is more jellyfish like than squid like. However, it has been decided that it is in fact, a squid. I'm sure this is exactly what evolution was aiming for. The little ears work like wings, propelling it through the water with ease. The actually move really fast for what they're made out of; two body lengths per second. Here is what it looks like when it is trying to defend itself...

Not much is known about what this guy eats. But it sure does get eaten quite often. The beaks of these creatures have been found in the stomaches of many animals, like seals and stuff. Oh and they only grow up to like 11 inches. These pictures make them look a lot bigger. They do that thing where they glow in the dark too. And they're pretty good at it; they can control brightness and stuff like that. So thats about all you need to know about these squid-octopus-jellyfish-bird-vampire things. 

Who's that Pokémon?!


Ambystoma mexicanum

It seems like evolution took a break and forgot to get back to working on the Axolotl. Unlike other amphibians, like frogs and toads, axolotls never grow out of their larva stage. Where frogs and toads would come out of the water and loose their tails, axolotls decided that they weren't about that life and decided they would keep their tails and stay in the water. Originally, axolotls were found only in the lakes of Xochimiloc near Mexico City. Like all cool animals on the planet, axolotls are and endangered species in the wild, thanks to the growth of Mexico City. The waters where axolotls were once found have become so polluted that recent a study say that there might not be anymore axolotls living there. The only reason they are not extinct is because people like to keep them as pets and scientists are studying them for their magical properties. (They regrow lost limbs.)

Axolotls' favorite food is worms. They'll also eat small fish and such since they're carnivorous. The grow up to around 23 cm, commonly. Those fuzzy things around its head are its gills, they help it breath underwater. So yeah, this little guy is pretty cool. For all your axolotl needs. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sea Unicorn

Monodon monoceros

If you're ever looking for a narwhal, your best bet would be to look in the icy waters of the Arctic Ocean. I know that's super general. Narwhals like to move around from looking for polynyas, which are openings in the ice where they can swim around and do narwhal stuff. They look for their food in these openings in the ice; they eat phytoplankton, little crustacean creatures, squids, shrimp, and fish found in the Arctic. Narwhals like to travel with their homies, usually around 20-30, but when they migrate, you'll see thousands of them.  The narwhal's lack of a dorsal fin facilitates swimming under ice. The males grow as long as 15 feet, while the females grow up to 13 feet. They  are also known as the corpse whale because their skin resembles that of a dead body and because of their fondness for the band Cannibal Corpse (though there is no scientific evidence supporting that claim.) Despite looking like they're rotting, one narwhal was known to be 115 years old. 
Narwhals' most distinct feature is their tusk! It isn't a horn, contrary to popular belief. It is actually on of two teeth that spirals out of their upper lip and is hollow on the inside. Sometimes, the second tooth will also grow out. The tusks have been known to grow up to 10 feet. Which is pretty huge considering the males only grow up to 15 feet. Normally, it is only the males who have the tusk, but few females have also been known to grow one as well. Scientists aren't entirely sure what the purpose of the tusk is. Many theories have been thrown around, but none of them check out one hundred percent. The narwhal's tooth can be seen as the opposite of a human tooth. Our teeth are hard on the outside and have all the nerves and what not on the inside, however, the narwhal's tusk has all the sensitive parts on the outer part of the tusk as opposed to the inside. Theories have stated that the purpose of the sensitivity being on the outside is so that the narwhal can detect water pressure, salinity, and temperature. But if that were the case, why don't all females have them? Older theories suggest that the tusk was for jousting and mating purposes, or breaking through ice, but such behaviour has never confirmed. It's a mystery. 
Narwhals are not endangered...yet. They are a threatened species, however. Since they are so hard to study, it can only be estimated that there are about 50,000 left, and those numbers are steadily declining for a number of factors. Climate change will soon be the biggest danger to these whales for obvious reasons. Ice serves as their protection from animals such as polar bears, walruses, and orcas, without it, they are vulnerable and easy to hunt. The changing climate might also disrupt their migrations. Inuit hunters make a living off of narwhals; they eat the skin and blubber and sell the tusks. I don't really blame them since there aren't very many Walmart stores in the Arctic, they have to make a living and find food somehow, and its their custom and tradition to hunt these whales. Furthermore, they can only hunt a specific number of them each year, so I don't blame them as much as climate change for the shrinking numbers. Unfortunately, mercury and other sorts of pollution are making it dangerous for these Inuit people to eat the whales.   
Here's a video that regurgitates pretty much everything I just wrote.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Big Ass Bat!

Giant Golden-crowned Flying Fox
Acerodon jubatus

large specimen flying fox
Wanna hang out?

The Philippians is home to one of the world's largest bats! They have a wingspan of 5 freakin' feet and weigh no more that 2.6 lbs! They spend most of their time sleeping, hanging upside down in the tree tops during the day, and at night, they go out and hunt for...fruit. That's pretty much all they eat. They are a vital part to the ecosystem because they disperse the seeds of the fruit they eat. Unfortunately, deforestation is killing them, just like every other cool animal. Out of all the bats I have see on the internet, this is probably the most normal looking one. Mostly because it looks like a fox with wings. Oddly, they are genetically nowhere near related to foxes or any sort of canine.

Wma079 Black-Flying-Fox

But of course, like all good functioning things on this planet, people had to go ruin it. These bats have been hunted very close to extension. Instinctively, they all sleep in big numbers to keep warm and protected from predators. They were even known to sleep around a different kind of bat, the Malaysian Flying Fox. But sleeping in big numbers only made it simpler for poachers to slaughter them for their furs. "Grooooooss, bat furrrr." No, not really. These bats have been known to take their time grooming themselves and bathing in the rivers. They probably take more time in keeping themselves clean than you do. 

giant fruit bat flying


Saturday, June 14, 2014


Thorny Dragon
Moloch horridus 


This little guy is native to Australia (home to everything scary, poisonous, and dangerous). But this little dragon doesn't fall under any of those categories; this lizard is actually very gentle-natured. It's appearance serves more for defense purposes. The "thrones" all over its body are actually modified scales that make them hard for predators to swallow. Furthermore, since the Australian desert is very dry, the scales around its body have a capillaries system that move water into the mouth, please see picture below (because I suck at explaining things).

Thorny Dragons have the ability to change colors depending on what the color of the sand around them is or the temperature of their body. They live up to 20 years and grow up to 20 cm. It takes them about three years to reach maturity. 

Australia is like the Salty Spitoon of the Earth, if you want to survive, you gotta be tough! But if you're not tough and you don't run very fast, you have to think of creative ways to survive. Aside from being spiky as on of its defenses, these guys grew an false head to throw off predators. When if feels threatened, it will tuck its real head between its legs and leave the fake head to be poked at. 

Thorny Dragons are easy to please. They eat ants, maybe some termites, and more ants. They'll eat up to 3,000 ants in one meal! 

Not here Khaleesi...